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Saudi Arabia

Eminent Saudi thinker and writer passes away

The eminent Saudi thinker and writer Dr. Assem Hamdan passed away in Madinah on Saturday at the age of 70 according to Okaz daily newspaper.

Hamdan was buried in Al Baqi Cemetery after funeral prayer at the Prophet’s Mosque after Fajr prayer on Sunday.

Minister of Culture Prince Badr Bin Abdullah Bin Farhan was among those who offered their condolences to the bereaved family members of the late writer.

Mourning the death of Dr. Hamdan, several prominent figures, including writers, intellectuals and academics, paid him rich tributes, through their comments on social media, for the outstanding contributions in the cultural, academic, and literary domains spanning over more than five decades.

His major books in this domain include “The Journey of Passion in the Paths of Anbarism”, Memories from Al-Haswah, which contains his observations about the features of the courtyards of the Prophet’s Mosque, Cheering from Bab Al-Salam, and Madinah between literature and history. His works also include comparative studies between Arab and Western literature.


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