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Dubai updates travel protocol for Emiratis, residents, tourists and transit passengers

Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management on Friday announced a number of changes to the travel protocol for passengers arriving or departing from Dubai.

According to the revised protocols, Emiratis returning to Dubai from overseas are not required to do a PCR test prior to departure, regardless of the country they are coming from and the time spent there. They will only be required to conduct a PCR test on arrival in Dubai.

All residents and inbound tourists will have to undergo a PCR test prior to departure for Dubai.

Transit passengers from some countries are required to conduct a PCR test prior to departure for Dubai. The pre-travel test is also mandatory for transit passengers if their destination country requires them to do so.

Emiratis, residents and tourists travelling overseas from Dubai are only required to undergo a PCR test prior to departure if their destination country requires a pre-travel negative test certificate.

The Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management said the new travel protocols are part of a regular process of revising and optimising precautionary measures based on the latest local, regional and international developments.


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