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Dubai to implement flexible work hours from August 16

Dubai will implement flexible working hours for government employees starting August 16, the emirate’s human resource authority announced on Saturday.

In a circular, the Dubai Government Human Resources Department (DGHR) said government employees may start their work in the morning at any time between 6.30am and 8.30am, provided that they complete their official work hours determined by the entity they are part of.

However, it clarified that the rule will not apply to some employees – including those whose job requires continuous communication with the public and others working in shifts – unless the government entity decides to apply flexible hours without affecting its services.

Abdullah Ali bin Zayed Al Falasi, director-general of the DGHR, said the decision was taken to boost the happiness of government staff and ensure their safety, especially during emergency weather conditions.

He added that this would also reduce traffic congestion during rush hour; enhance productivity; improve work-life balance; and allow employees to find time for their special interests.

The circular added that HR departments of government entities must amend internal attendance regulations and align them with the new policy. The implementation of the system must also be coordinated with other organisational units and results shall be submitted to the DGHR.


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