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Dubai to explore high-speed ropeway transport system

A new agreement signed in Dubai will see authorities explore the development of an urban ropeway.

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) signed the agreement with French mobility specialist MND, a leading company in the ropeways industry.

The CABLINE system developed by MND aims at offering a “completely new experience” for aerial transportation.

CABLINE is designed to integrate and connect to a city’s existing inter-modal transport network. The fully automatic, driverless transport system has self-propelled cabins moving over ropes at speeds of up to 45km/hr.

It uses a minimalist infrastructure that is easy to integrate with the least possible footprint. It is more aesthetic, quieter and more energy sufficient than traditional ropeway transportation.

CABLINE allows easier maintenance to “guarantee high availability rate of the urban transport system and optimal service for the passengers”.

The agreement is in line with the RTA’s efforts to realise Dubai’s vision to have 25 per cent of all trips be self-driving by 2030.


Khaleej Times
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