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Dubai: Strict Safety Measures for Hotels Implemented

As Dubai prepares to open its doors to travellers from around the world, authorities are making sure that the emirate’s hotels can give its guests not only a superb destination experience – but also one that is safe and secure.

To reassure both domestic holiday makers and travellers from overseas, authorities have put stringent measures in place in line with efforts to fight Covid-19.

Hotels that are gearing up for reopening have been required to adopt health and safety protocols. Disinfection must be conducted daily and frequently, and all rooms, facilities and air-conditioning systems should be thoroughly sterilised.

Lobbies, common areas and other contact points will be subject to enhanced sanitation. And maintaining social distancing – from restaurants to elevators – will be a priority.

Restaurants, on the other hand, are allowed to serve both resident and non-resident guests but with reduced seating capacity. A distance of two metres between tables must be maintained, while take-away meals and contactless payment and deliveries are actively encouraged.


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