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Dubai shuts down restaurant, fines gym for violating health protocols

Dubai Economy department is continuing with its field inspections to ensure that all companies, merchants, consumers and the public adhere to the various precautionary measures and protocols announced in the emirate to limit the spread of Covid-19, including physical distancing, wearing masks and gloves, as well as sanitisation.

A restaurant in Satwa was ordered closed by CCCP on Thursday, after their distribution of free meals led to passers-by gathering in front of the store, disregarding physical distancing guidelines and causing congestion.

In another incident, Dubai Economy, in cooperation with the Dubai Sports Council, imposed a fine on a fitness centre, for not adhering to physical distancing, especially at their reception, and employees’ lack of commitment to wearing masks.

The daily inspection visits by CCCP cover all areas in Dubai, including open markets and commercial centres. Inspections conducted yesterday showed that 578 stores fully complied with the precautionary measures and guidelines.

The inspections are primarily aimed to spread awareness on the necessity of adhering to the principle, “Everyone is responsible,” and the shared responsibility of the government, businesses, consumers and the public in overcoming the pandemic challenge by complying with the precautionary measures and ensuring public health and safety, in addition to enabling business continuity following the reopening of various economic sectors in the emirate.

Dubai Economy called on consumers to report any non-compliance to the precautionary guidelines via the Dubai Consumer App or by calling 600545555, or on the www.consumerrights.ae website.


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