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Dubai Reopens Swimming Pools, Water Sport Activities

Dubai Sports Council has announced the reopening of swimming pools and water sports activities in Dubai.

The reopening mandate, however, is limited only to hotel establishments, health clubs/gym facilities, recreation clubs, and residential and commercial facilities.

Social gatherings, parties and events are still barred and excluded from the resumption order, along with massage services, spa, sauna, jacuzzi and pool bars.

All swimming academies and aquatic sports centres who have a license in the field of aquatic sports and want to resume their activities must obtain the approval of Dubai Sports Council.

Prior to reopening, all swimming pools in the permitted category will have to undergo deep cleaning to minimise the risk of water-borne diseases and the facilities will also need to get a water quality test done.

On reopening, the facilities will have to make sure they maintain the hygiene and sanitisation requirements as per Dubai Municipality guidelines, which includes maintaining a regular cleaning regime, water testing, and maintaining the chlorine concentration.

You can also click here for an interesting article on floating mats as an accessory in water sports. 


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