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Dubai: Outdoor dining, shisha banned during daytime

Dining areas in Dubai may not have to be screened off in the daytime this Ramadan amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, outdoor dining and shisha services are still banned during the fasting hours, authorities have clarified to Gulf News.

Dubai Economy had recently announced that there is no need for a special permit for restaurants to serve food during the fasting hours in Ramadan this year and also left it to the eateries to decide if they want the dining areas covered from public view, a move welcomed by the hospitality sector. However, this had led to confusion regarding outdoor dining.

There are restaurants that serve food along the beaches and on terraces and also many restaurants have outside seating. Questions were raised if these restaurants are allowed to serve food outside their walled premises — out in the open — during fasting hours in Ramadan.

Senior officials at Dubai Economy and Dubai Municipality have clarified to Gulf News that outdoor dining at eateries continue to be banned during fasting hours in Ramadan. “Outdoor seating is not allowed during fasting hours. Delivery of food can be continued as usual,” said Mohammed Ali Rashed Lootah, CEO of the Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection (CCCP) sector in Dubai Economy.


Gulf News

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