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Dubai launches ‘Dubai Assured’ stamp for tourist, retail outlets

Dubai has launched a compliance program to certify and recognize tourism and retail establishments that comply with all public health protocols for the prevention and management of COVID-19 by issuing a “DUBAI ASSURED” stamp, according to the Dubai Media Office.

The initiative was announced on Saturday and is aimed to showcase Dubai as one of the world’s safest destinations as it continues to receive tourists following the emirate’s reopening to international visitors on July 7.

The specially designed ‘DUBAI ASSURED’ stamp, to be issued free of charge, will have a validity of 15 days. It can be renewed every two weeks upon further verification by inspectors from the relevant authorities.

With the reopening of many public and private facilities and amenities, including beaches, shopping malls, restaurants, swimming pools and golf courses, and the resumption of popular activities like water sports and camping, the ‘DUBAI ASSURED’ programme will cover all key tourism touchpoints across the city.

The stamp is a visual mark reassuring guests that safety and hygiene measures prescribed by the authorities have been complied with across all tiers and categories of tourist and resident touchpoints such as hotels, attractions, retail, food & beverage and leisure and entertainment.


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