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GCC CountriesBahrain

Dubai Issues Precautionary Measures for Employees

As part of Dubai Government’s preventive measures against the novel coronavirus (Covid-19), and under the directives of Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council, the council has outlined a range of precautionary steps to ensure the health and safety of government employees and contribute to local and international efforts to combat the pandemic.

The measures include suspending fingerprint attendance machines and activating the ‘Smart Employee’ app or alternative attendance systems; and allowing pregnant female employees, elderly employees, employees with disabilities and employees with diseases that compromise the immune system to work from home.

The General Secretariat of The Executive Council called on all government departments to postpone events and gatherings and offer flexible working hours for mothers with children in Grade 9 or below.

Each department has been authorised to take additional precautionary measures in coordination with concerned bodies including sterilisation of the facility, furniture, office equipment, vehicles and elevators. All departments have also been directed to encourage their customers to use online customer service apps; postpone non-critical overseas assignments and training programmes, especially in high-risk countries; use online meeting technologies, and raise awareness about essential precautionary measures among employees.

Employees returning from overseas trips have been directed to stay at home until it is proven that they are not infected. In such cases, employees will receive their full salary and be allowed to work from home.

Government employees have also been issued guidelines on vital hygiene practices both inside and outside their workplaces. The guidelines were developed according to the recommendations of local health authorities and the standards of the World Health Organisation (WHO).


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