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Dubai issues guidelines for resuming live concerts, weddings and parties

Weddings, along with other events and banquet parties, will soon be allowed in Dubai.

The Dubai government issued guidelines on August 3, laying down the details of the safety protocols and giving an idea of how a wedding would be like in the emirate’s new normal.

Seating arrangements would be one of the major concerns, considering that social distancing must be maintained at all times.

Each table must be at least two metres apart, with a maximum of four guests per table. In case they belong to the same group, only a maximum of 10 people can be seated together.

At a table where guests are not from a single group, there should be at least two vacant seats between each person, the circular added. Planners are encouraged to place physical dividers in between tables, if possible.

When it comes to food, buffets will be allowed but there should be waiters stationed in the area to serve the food to guests, as self-service will be prohibited, according to the circular. Third-party catering services have been advised to use disposables in serving guests.

All gifts and giveaways brought to the venue should be thoroughly checked and sanitised. Even flowers, chocolates and beverage — which are provided by external suppliers — must undergo quality control before they are handed over.

For events and live concerts, ticket sales will be limited and attendees are expected to practise social distancing at all times.

Limited capacity has also been provisioned for indoor events and exhibitions, with a mandatory four-metre distance still recommended. Online ticket sales will be preferred over box-office options, where social distancing measures must be observed.

For concerts, two seats must remain vacant in between the attendees, including those in the VIP areas. While guests will be required to wear masks throughout the show, performers can remove them only if they are maintaining a four-metre distance between themselves and the audience.

In case of standing concerts, floor markings will serve as social distancing guides. Entry and exit will allow only one group at a time to avoid overcrowding.


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