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Dubai is One of the World’s Least Congested Cities: Report

Dubai is one of the world’s least congested cities, according to a report by satnav firm TomTom.

Dubai secured exceptional rankings in the traffic flow index, as per the 2022 traffic index report by the multinational company specialising in monitoring congestion and traffic worldwide. It analysed 390 cities across 56 countries, on six continents covering more than 543 billion kilometres of road networks.

According to the report, Dubai outperformed major global cities including Los Angeles, Montreal, Sydney, Berlin, Rome, and Milan in terms of the average time needed to travel a distance of 10 km in the Central Business District (CBD).

In Dubai, the journey time was recorded at 12 minutes per 10 km, compared to the average of 21 minutes per 10 km in the referenced cities. 

In contrast, the best-performing city on this index was Almere in the Netherlands, with 8 minutes per 10 km, while the lowest-performing city was London, with 36 minutes per 10 km.

In the same index, Dubai ranked supremely among cities, recording a time of 9 minutes per 10 km in the urban area, with an average speed of 59 kmp/h.

This compares to the top-performing city, Greensboro in the US, with 7 minutes and 40 seconds per 10 km and an average speed of 74 km/h.

Meanwhile, the lowest-performing city was Bogota in Colombia, with 24 minutes per 10 km and an average speed of 19 km/h.


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