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Dubai: Expat fined Dh10,000 for hosting party violating COVID-19 rules

An expat woman in Dubai was slapped with a Dh10,000 fine for holding a house party with a musical band violating COVID-19 protocols.

Those present at the party didn’t follow social distancing rules and didn’t wear face masks as precautionary measures to stymie the spread of the virus.

Brigadier Jamal Salem Al Jallaf, director of the general department of criminal investigations at Dubai Police, said the violator was fined as per resolution No. (38) for 2020, which states that a fine of Dh10,000 is to be imposed on whoever hosts or organises gatherings, meetings, private and public celebrations.

He added that the members of the band and guests at the party were each slapped a fine of Dh5,000.

Brig Al Jallaf reminded the people to strictly adhere to the precautionary measures prescribed by the local authorities, and to report violators via the Police Eye service on smartphones, or by contacting the Dubai Police Call Centre 901.


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