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Dubai Can Now Produce Nearly Half a Billion Gallons of Desalinated Water a Day

Dubai’s daily production capacity of desalinated water has reached almost half a billion gallons. The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority extended the water transmission pipeline network by 64km last year, which is said to have cost around Dh358 million, according to local sources.

The authority’s total production capacity of desalinated water has now reached 490 million imperial gallons per day, which is part of its long-term goal of serving more than 1.5 million residents. “Dewa has surpassed prominent utilities worldwide and has achieved one of the lowest percentages of water network losses worldwide,” said Saeed Al Tayer, the authority’s managing director and chief executive.

The new pipeline extensions have remote monitoring to control key water networks around the clock, via vales operated from a control centre, to reduce interruptions. The extensions also included the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of glass-reinforced epoxy water pipes of different diameters.

The authority is working towards providing Dubai residents with the highest standards of availability, reliability and efficiency, as well as meeting growing demand and increasing water reserves, Mr Al Tayer said. Water network losses were recorded at 4.5 per cent last year compared to around 15 per cent in North America, he said.

“This underlines our position as one of the most prominent and distinguished utilities worldwide in all fields,” Mr Al Tayer said. The announcement comes after the authority’s net profit in the first quarter of 2023 rose by 1.25 per cent as revenue increased on the back of rising demand for water, electricity and cooling services in the emirate.

Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the company for the three-month period to the end of March surged to about Dh743.8 million ($202.5 million), the authority said in a filing to the Dubai Financial Market where its shares are traded.

“Our reported results for the first quarter of 2023 have exceeded our expectations, reflecting on the robust growth of Dubai,” Mr Al Tayer said. “Looking ahead, I reiterate our optimism about our operating and financial performance for 2023 and beyond.”


The National

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