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Dubai announces new rules for praying in mosques

The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai (IACAD) said Isha and Taraweeh prayers can be performed in mosques, provided worshippers continue to observe precautionary guidelines, including wearing of face masks and maintaining physical distancing. The maximum duration of both prayers in mosques has been capped at 30 minutes.

The guidelines state that worshippers praying in mosques must bring their own prayer mats. While at the mosque, worshippers should strictly avoid handshakes and any other physical greetings that breach physical distancing protocols. They must also maintain a safe distance from other worshippers as guided by floor stickers.

As stipulated by Dubai’s Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management, here is the full list of guidelines:

  • The mosque will remain open from the time of azan until the end of obligatory prayer.
  • The maximum duration of Isha and Taraweeh prayers in mosques is capped at 30 minutes.
  • Isha prayers will be held five minutes after the azan.
  • The mosque’s doors will be kept open from the beginning of the azan until the end of congregational obligatory prayer.
  • Performing a second congregational prayer or praying alone after the completion of main prayers is not permitted; worshippers must avoid crowding.
  • All mosques will close immediately after the prayers.
  • The distribution of food or any other items such as face masks at the entrance of the mosque is strictly prohibited.
  • Individuals with chronic illnesses or compromised immunity are advised not to pray in mosques and avoid crowds.

Lectures and seminars in mosques remain suspended. However, worshipers have the option to virtually attend lectures. At mosques, worshippers are also advised to read the Quran through smart devices.

Organising Ramdan, Iftar and donation tents and Iftar tables is strictly prohibited, he noted. Donations should be channeled through accredited charity organisations in Dubai.


Khaleej Times

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