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Dubai, Abu Dhabi to hold 3-day recruitment drive from May 29-31

A three-day recruitment drive for vacancies of sales executives for leading UAE banks in Dubai and Abu Dhabi will be held from May 29 to 31 between 10am and 2pm.

UAE residents who have sales experience in the banking sector, good knowledge of retail banking products such personal loans and credit cards, and strong communication and selling skills can apply for the jobs.

The selected candidates will be offered an attractive salary plus incentives, annual performance-based increments, medical insurance and visa. They will be based in Dubai and Abu Dhabi offices of the UAE banks.

In Dubai, walk-in interviews will take place on the 1st floor of City Bay Business Centre, Abu Hail.

In Abu Dhabi, walk-in interviews will take place in office No.702, GTH Building, Tourist Club Area, Electra Street.


Khaleej Times
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