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Dubai: 721 beachgoers fined for violating anti-virus measures

A total of 721 fines were issued to beachgoers in Dubai as they soaked in the sun and sand without adhering to Covid-19 safety rules. The fines were issued from March till September 20, the police said.

Colonel Saeed Al Madhani, acting director of Dubai Ports Police Station, said the force won’t tolerate residents flouting measures laid out to keep residents safe.

Beaches and parks in the emirate reopened on May 30 – weeks after they were closed as a precautionary measure against the spread of the virus.

Beachgoers are required to wear a face mask, maintain adequate social distance and not go in groups of more than five, except members of the same family. Not wearing a mask and failing to ensure distance are punishable with a Dh3,000 fine.


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