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Dubai: 17-Year-Old Sets Fire to Delivery Bike, Placed Under Judicial Probation

A 17-year-old has been placed under judicial probation after stealing a delivery bike and setting it on fire, the Dubai Public Prosecution said on Wednesday.

The teenager, together with another, has been charged with theft and arson at the emirate’s Juvenile Court. The duo allegedly stole the bike parked at a restaurant, then drove off.

Upon getting off the motorbike in another area, the accused “pulled out the bike’s petrol tube” and set it on fire, the Dubai Public Prosecution said, adding that the court ordered that the juvenile be placed under judicial probation. The other person involved in the crime was referred to the misdemeanour court.

The authority urged parents to always keep an eye on their children’s behaviour and educate them on the importance of becoming responsible members of the community. Understanding the law is also key, the public prosecution added.


Khaleej Times

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