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Dubai: 100 Beach-Goers Fined in First 3 Days of Reopening

Around 100 beachgoers were fined in Dubai for not wearing masks and violating social distancing during the first three days of beaches reopening in the emirate.

Beaches including JBR, Al Mamzar, Jumeirah and Umm Suqeim re-opened on Friday as part of the continuing easing of coronavirus restrictions, drawing crowds of beachgoers.

Dubai Police in cooperation with Dubai Municipality launched their patrols on the beaches to make sure everyone was following precautionary measures to ensure their safety.

“We recorded about 100 violations in the first three days or the reopening for people who weren’t wearing masks and weren’t leaving a safe distance between them and other beachgoers,” said Lieutenant Ahmad Al Marzouqi from Beaches Security Section at Ports Police station. “At the beginning of the reopening, people weren’t following the precautionary measures,” he added.

“But after issuing the fines, people started complying with the precautionary measures.”

According to Dubai Police, people who don’t wear masks will be fined Dh3,000.

Dubai Police patrols helped raise awareness among beachgoers as policemen were seen distributing masks and educating others about the measures, as well as using drones to monitor beaches.

There’s also a Dh3,000 fine for anyone seen not adhering to social distancing.

“The most important thing now is social distancing for at least two metres and wearing masks after coming out of the sea,” said Al Marzouqi.


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