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Donald Trump awards Kuwaiti emir ‘prestigious’ decoration

Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah has been conferred a rare prestigious decoration by US President Donald Trump for his leading regional and global diplomatic efforts.

“A leader in the Middle East for decades, the emir has been a truly unwavering friend and partner to the United States. He provided indispensable support to the United States throughout Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and the Defeat-ISIS campaign,” the White House said in a statement.

“The emir is also an unparalleled diplomat, having served as his nation’s foreign minister for 40 years. His tireless mediation of disputes in the Middle East has bridged divides under the most challenging circumstances. The president is very pleased to award this honor to his dear friend, the emir,” the statement added.

The Legion of Merit, Degree Chief Commander, is a rarely-awarded, prestigious decoration that can only be bestowed by the president, typically to chiefs of state or heads of government of other countries. The honor was last awarded in 1991.

The emir’s eldest son, Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah Kuwait, will accept the award on behalf of the Amir in a private ceremony, according to the statement.


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