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Deaths in Kuwait increased by 40% last year

In 2020, the number of deaths increased drastically in Kuwait by about 40 per cent, Al Rai reported.

Compared to the previous year, the increase in deaths in 2020 was a result of the COVID-19. Although the pandemic has resulted in more deaths, without counting the fatalities from the virus the number of deaths has risen by 28 percent.

According to a report that is based on official figures from the Funeral Affairs Department at Kuwait’s Municipality, deaths among non-Kuwaitis went up by 60.5 percent compared to 2019.

While the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the main reasons, there was an increase in suicides amongst non-Kuwaitis due to the financial and social burdens that occurred due to the pandemic.

In terms of non-Kuwaitis, the highest increase in deaths was amongst men with an increase of 88 percent. As for children, the number actually decreased for both Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti children, with an average of 3.75 percent decrease.


Gulf News

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