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COVID: Philippines removes UAE from green list

Filipino expats who are travelling home from UAE will have to undergo a slightly longer quarantine of five to seven days, as the Philippines removed the UAE from its green list. The new classification will come into effect on January 16 and will remain in place until January 31.

Fully vaccinated:

  • Negative result from a PCR test taken 48 hours before departure
  • Hotel/facility-based quarantine upon arrival
  • Take a PCR test on the fifth day (with the arrival day as day one)
  • Once the negative test result is received, they can be released and stay in home quarantine until their seventh day.

Unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, and those whose vaccination status cannot be validated

  • Negative result from a PCR test taken 48 hours before departure
  • Hotel/facility-based quarantine upon arrival
  • Take a PCR test on the seventh day
  • Once the negative test result is received, they can be released and stay in home quarantine until their 14th day

The UAE is currently not on the red list or on the green list, which implies that it’s on the yellow list.


Khaleej Times

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