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COVID-19 vaccination in Bahrain: Online registration is mandatory!

The Ministry of Health urged people wishing to take the COVID-19 vaccine to book an appointment online in advance via website healthalert.gov.bh.

The ministry has also added new options during the registration process, which make it possible to choose the health center for vaccination and the type of vaccine.

In a statement today, the ministry said that it has halted the possibility for citizens and residents to go directly to the health centres near their residence and take the vaccine without a prior appointment.

The big flux of people who want to take the vaccine led the ministry to announce the new measure to protect people’s safety and ensure compliance with the health protocols and mandatory precautionary measures.

The ministry reiterated its call to citizens and residents to register and get vaccinate to protect themselves, families and all the members of their community.

“All vaccination studies are listed under the umbrella of the World Health Organization and contribute to making antibodies to the Coronavirus, thus stimulating the body’s immunity to resist the virus”, it said, adding that the Government has provided doses for all citizens and residents after securing the approval of the National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA).


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