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COVID-19: UAE relaxes gathering protocols

UAE has raised the allowed capacity at social gatherings in homes to 80%, provided that the total attendance does not exceed 60 people, in addition to specifying up to ten people to provide hospitality services.

The National Crisis & Emergency Management Authority (NCEMA) on Friday reported the update of the protocols for holding parties, gatherings, weddings, and funerals in homes.

Those who have completed 14 days of vaccination, in addition to fulfilling the conditions of green passage and highlighting it in the ALHOSN app, according to the third dose protocol for the type of vaccine and the approved protocols accompanying are allowed to attend the events, NCEMA added in a statement.

NCEMA added that everyone must present a negative PCR test result not exceeding 48 hours from the date of the event.

The protocol also includes temperature measurement before entering, wearing masks at all times, and the continuation of sterilization and disinfection of places, with the need to have sterilization tools available for attendance.

NCEMA called upon the public to warn the invitees not to attend events if they feel any respiratory symptoms or fever.


Al Arabiya

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