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COVID-19: Trump’s vital signs reportedly ‘concerning’

Some of Donald Trump’s vital signs over the past 24 hours were “very concerning” but have improved since he was admitted to a military hospital, a source familiar with the president’s condition has said.

Donald Trump was administered with supplemental oxygen at the White House hours after being diagnosed with Covid-19 and before being flown to a military hospital, the source claimed. 

Navy Commander Dr. Sean Conley, sidestepped the question when pressed during a public announcement today. 

Dr Conley said Trump was not administered oxygen on Thursday or since he has been a patient at Walter Reed Medical Center and that his symptoms were subsiding. 

Trump was admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center on Friday after saying he had contracted Covid-19. First lady Melania Trump also has fallen ill.

The person described the next 48 hours as critical and said there was no clear path yet on a recovery and that it could be days before he was discharged.


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