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COVID-19: Qatar Reports 1,740 New Cases, 2 Deaths Today

Ministry of Public Health today announces the registration of 1,740 new confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) and 1,439 new recovered patients in the last 24 hours. The Ministry today also announces 2 deaths due to the virus.

Over the last 24 hours, 12 people were admitted to intensive care due to the virus, bringing the total number of cases in intensive care to 203.

The Ministry states that the new cases are due to expatriate workers who were infected with the virus as a result of contact with individuals who were previously infected, in addition to recording new cases of infection among groups of workers in different regions.

The new confirmed cases of infection have been introduced to complete isolation in the various medical facilities in the country, where they receive the necessary healthcare according to the health status of each case.

The Ministry revealed that the number of positive cases between citizens and residents witnessed a significant rise, with the number of infections relating to family gatherings, visits and sharing meals together with relatives and extended families.

The Ministry stated that the two new deaths were attributed to two persons, aged 75 and 68, who were suffering from chronic diseases, and had received the necessary medical care in intensive care.

The Ministry also stresses the importance for the elderly or those suffering from chronic diseases and their family members to follow strict measures to reduce the chances of infection, including refraining from social visits.

Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 should either quickly contact the 16000 helpline or go directly to one of the designated health centers for testing the virus. This is important as the earlier the disease is detected the easier it will be to receive the right treatment and recover from it.


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