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COVID-19: Pakistan imposes mini-lockdowns in Islamabad

Pakistani authorities have imposed a mini-lockdown in some areas of the capital, Islamabad, sealing off hot spots to contain the rising coronavirus.

The government says the restrictions will remain in place until there is an improvement in the situation.

Similar mini-lockdowns have also been imposed in hot spots of Pakistan’s other major cities, including the southern port city of Karachi, the eastern city of Lahore and the garrison city of Rawalpindi.

But people are still ignoring social distancing rules, although authorities are fining those not wearing masks and violating social distancing rules.

The latest development comes hours after Pakistan on Tuesday reported 1,637 new Covid-19 cases and 23 deaths in the past 24 hours. The country has registered 346,476 confirmed cases and 7,000 deaths since February.


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