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COVID-19: Oman Reports 3rd Death; Reveals Shortage of Supplies

Oman reported a third death resulting from COVID-19, as the number of cases in the sultanate starts to grow.

A 41-year-old expat died from the coronavirus, the Ministry of Health announced. It also revealed 68 new cases of the coronavirus, bringing the total number of cases to 546. The ministry added that 102 patients have recovered.

A ministry official said the number of cases is causing concern for officials in the country.

In Oman, the majority (78%) of cases have occurred in those aged between 15 and 50.

The ministry official also revealed a shortage of supplies to deal with the cases.

“We are facing a shortage of some medical supplies to deal with corona and we are striving to provide the necessary. We are still looking for more qualitative contributions to the fund, as a national responsibility in this exceptional circumstance.”


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