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COVID-19: Kuwait may reinstate partial curfew as cases increase

A possible return of a partial curfew due to the increase of COVID-19 cases may be on the cards for Kuwait.

Health authorities are informed to deliver a report to the Cabinet of Minister today on the recent COVID-19 spike, Al Qabas reported.

A governmental health source revealed to Al Qabas that the report will contain several demands, most notably granting health personal and concerned authorities judicial control to give out immediate finds to those who do not comply with health requirements, especially wearing masks in public.

The source added that the Ministry of Health will ask other concerned authorities to comply with the health guidelines and perform their roles as required to help contain the spread of the virus.

As for the possible return of the partial curfew, the source said that it will all depend on the number of cases, death and intensive care patients, stressing that if cases do increase precautionary measures will be taken without hesitation to ensure everybody’s health.

In terms of the travel ban on 32 countries, the source indicated that the evaluation of the situation in these countries is ongoing and that today’s report might have some changes.


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