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GCC CountriesKuwait

COVID-19: Kuwait announces new restrictions in airport

Kuwait’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has banned non-passengers from entering the country’s airport, the latest move by the country to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

“Upon instructions of health authorities, people are prevented from entering buildings of the Kuwait International Airport to receive or bid farewell to travellers in compliance with health measures, applying physical distancing and preventing crowding inside the airport buildings,” DGCA said.

In June, the Kuwaiti government approved a three-stage plan to resume commercial flights in and out of Kuwait starting August 1, with 30% of the airport’s normal capacity.

In the second phase starting on February 1 for six more months, Kuwait airport will operate at 60% of its normal capacity. The expected numbers of passengers in that phase are not to exceed 20,000 per day on a maximum number of flights of 200.

The third phase beginning in August next year will mark a return to full capacity.


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