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COVID-19 in Bahrain: Why should you stay home?

On September 17, Bahrain reported 841 new cases, the highest ever daily increase since the beginning of pandemic. Previously, the highest daily increase was on September 10 with 757 new cases.

This spike in cases resulted to the postponement of several reopenings such as school and indoor dining.

Total cases in Bahrain as of September 22

The reality is – millions of people now have the virus. Over 900,000 people have died from COVID-19 worldwide and some of them as young as three-years-old.

When the pandemic started in Bahrain last February, the rise in cases was unthinkable. But as numbers rise, so does our indifference. Today, another 713 cases have been detected with the majority being contacts of active cases.

“People should wake up. The virus won’t leave us in the next few months and millions have already got it. A lot more have died because of other diseases which are a lot worse than COVID-19”, said a resident in Bahrain.

Active cases in Bahrain as of September 22

But there is no excuse for apathy says another resident. “We have to strive for a middle ground during this kind of crisis. Just because a lot of people have mild cases does not mean we can go around partying and not caring about the society”, he commented.

Our complete lack of mindfulness and apathy for other will remain playing fields for the virus. “It’s not the virus we’re worried about. It’s the lack of compassion that worries us”, added a citizen.

Just recently, the health minister called on everyone to show determination and resolve, more than ever before, and adhere fully to the instructions of the National Taskforce for Combating COVID-19 for a period of two weeks, until the 1st of October in order to reduce the rates of infections.

HRH the Crown Prince also emphasised that citizens and residents must all commit for Bahrain with determination over the next 2 weeks until the 1st of October so that the community can, together, mitigate the spread of the virus.

Our limited capacity and our desire to avoid uncomfortable issues should not allow us to disengage. The virus will not be wished away but through collective efforts, we will be able to flatten the curve once again.


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