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COVID-19: Greece Suspends Qatar Flights After 12 Test Positive

Greece suspended flights to and from Qatar after 12 individuals on a plane from Doha tested positive for coronavirus. The suspension will be in place until June 15.

The individuals were on a flight carrying 91 people from Doha to Athens that landed on Monday. Tests were carried out for the novel coronavirus and the passengers were taken to a quarantine hotel, authorities said.

Those who tested positive will be in quarantine for 14 days, and those who tested negative will remain in quarantine for seven days, the civil protection ministry said.

Those who tested positive include nine people from Pakistan with Greek residency papers, two Greeks travelling from Australia and a member of a Greek-Japanese family.

Greece has reported a low number of COVID-19 cases compared to many other European countries, and began a gradual easing of a weeks-long lockdown on May 4.


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