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GCC CountriesBahrainHealth

COVID-19: Bahrain Registers 3 New Cases Today

The Ministry of Health today registered three new Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Kingdom of Bahrain, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 36.

Three repatriated Bahraini females from Iran tested positive for the virus and have been immediately transferred to a dedicated health centre for isolation and treatment.

The ministry confirmed that all COVID-19 infected patients are receiving ongoing care from a specialised medical team and are stable, and showing positive signs of recovery.

“The Kingdom of Bahrain continues to comprehensively screen all inbound passengers, particularly those returning from Iran and other COVID-affected-countries to ensure the safety of Bahrain’s citizens and residents,” the ministry said.

It urged all returnees from Iran during February to self-isolate immediately and call 444 to schedule medical examination dates.


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