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GCC CountriesOman

COVID-19: All Tourist Visas Suspended in Oman

The Supreme Committee appointed by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik held its first meeting on March 12. The committee has decided to implement the following regulations in place.

1. Tourist visas to all countries will be suspended for a period of one month starting from March 15, 2020.

2. All cruise ships will be banned from entering Omani ports for a period of one month.

3. The Committee has decided to prevent shishas in authorised places.

4. Stop all sports-related activities for a period of one month.

5. The Committee has decided to stop all non-school activities for a period of one month.

6. Court attendance should be limited to those who have cases only.

7. The Committee also recommended not to travel outside the Sultanate except for extreme necessity.

8. The Committee also advised taking preventive measures during religious rites, family and social gatherings, and not to go to cinemas.


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