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Coronavirus: UAE Second in GCC to Cross 1,000 Cases

The United Arab Emirates reported on Thursday 210 new coronavirus cases, raising the total number of cases in the country up to 1,024.

The ministry said the new cases were detected through testing people who came into contact with previously infected individuals, those who did not abide be precautionary measures and social distancing, in addition to cases related to travel abroad.

The new cases were from different nationalities, are all in stable conditions and are receiving the necessary medical care.

The ministry also announced the recovery of 35 patients, raising the total of recovered patients in the country up to 96. There were no new recorded deaths, keeping the death toll at eight people so far.

Saudi Arabia was the first country in the GCC to cross 1000 cases, currently at 1885. Qatar is right behind the UAE with 949 cases.


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