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GCC CountriesUAE

Coronavirus: UAE Issues New Guidelines for Educational Institutions

The UAE has issued new guidelines for educational institutions to follow, in light of the recent coronavirus epidemic.

“In the event that a student or a member of the educational or administrative staff of educational institutions has recently returned from China, or if any of his or her family members returned from China in the last 14 days, regardless of symptoms, he or she must be exempted from school for a period of 14 days from the date of arrival” – read the UAE’s Ministry of Education’s tweet.

The UAE has confirmed five cases of coronavirus since the outbreak, the first four being members of a Chinese family that had reportedly flown into the UAE on January 16.

The fifth case of an individual, who had also flown into the country from the Chinese city of Wuhan – the epicentre of the virus – was confirmed on February 1.

The coronavirus has left more than 400 people dead, and over 20,000 infected in China.

The UAE suspended all flights to and from China, with the lone exception of its capital Beijing. Passengers travelling from Beijing International Airport will be expected to undergo a 6-8 hour comprehensive medical screening at the airport.


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