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Coronavirus: “Spain Has Reached the Peak” Says PM

Spain will soon start the process of de-escalation of the current lockdown measures in place to mitigate the novel coronavirus pandemic in the country, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said today, as he asked Parliament to approve his request to extend the country’s state of emergency until April 26.

“We have reached the peak and now the de-escalation begins,” Sanchez said. He cautioned, however, that return to normal life would be “gradual”, in line with the severity of the current health crisis.

“We are facing the biggest threat to the planet’s public health since the flu of 1918,” Sanchez said, explaining that the resumption of normal activity would only happen in phases.

Spain has been the world’s second most heavily-affected country by the coronavirus pandemic so far, after the US. Almost 150,000 confirmed cases of the virus have been detected and the death toll currently stands at 14,792.


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