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Saudi Arabia

Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia sees drop in daily cases today

Saudi Arabia reported 2,399 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 72,560, according to a Ministry of Health statement on Sunday.

The number of new infections is lower than the last three days in which 2,442, 2,532 and and 2,642 cases were reported, pointing out a consistent drop in the daily figures.

The ministry also announced 2,284 new recoveries and 11 more deaths.

This brings the total number of recoveries and deaths related to the virus in the Kingdom to 43, 520 and 390 respectively.

With 742 new cases, Riyadh topped the list while Makkah recorded the second-highest number of cases with 611.

Jeddah, Dammam and Al Khobar reported 474, 136, and 120 new cases respectively.

Of the new cases, 79 percent were men and 21 were females. Citizens made up 34 percent, while expatriates accounted for the remaining 64 percent.


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