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Coronavirus: Rate of recovery continues to double across Muscat

Recovery rates of COVID-19 patients in the Governorate of Muscat have surpassed the number of people who currently have the disease, data from the Ministry of Health has shown.

According to data from the Tarassud app, which provides updates on the COVID-19 situation in Oman and across the world, a total of 10,809 recoveries have taken place so far in Muscat, as of 20 June, 2020, since the pandemic was first reported in the country. 20,550 cases of COVID-19 have so far been reported in Muscat governorate.

During this period, the number of people who suffering from the disease has dropped from 10,715 on 11 June, to 9,647 on the 20th. The number of people who’d recovered from the disease as of 11 June stood at just 4,150, which means the rate of recovery has increased by more than two and a half times over the past 10 days.

The Wilayat of Seeb now has the maximum number of people found to test positive for COVID-19 in the country, at 6,996 cases. However, among these, only 3,756 still have the disease. 3,203 recoveries have so far been posted. 37 people in Seeb have unfortunately died from coronavirus.

Wilayat Muttrah, which was released from health isolation a few weeks ago to stop the spread of the disease, has reported a total of 6,279 cases of infection.

However, the number of people who have recovered stands at 4,373, which is far higher than the 1,871 people who still have COVID-19, and live in Muttrah, where 35 deaths from the disease have been reported.

Similarly, the number of people sick with COVID-19 in Wilayat Boushar, is now decreasing, while the recovery numbers continue to rise. A total of 5,522 people have been reported infected by the disease, as of 20 June, among whom 2,322 have recovered. 16 people have lost their lives due to coronavirus.

The ratios of people still infected by the disease to the number of recoveries are also quite close in the other wilayats of the capital. In Wilayat Muscat, recoveries have shot up over the last 10 days, rising from 33 on 11 June to 373 on the 20th. In parallel, the number of sick people has declined from 256 to 121. A total of 495 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in this wilayat so far.

In Quriyat, where recoveries have risen from eight on 11 June to 71 on the 20th, the number of people currently infected by the disease stands at 124, having slightly increased from 105 on the 11th. No deaths related to COVID have been reported in Quriyat so far, where a total of 195 cases have been reported.

In the Wilayat of Al Amerat, where the total number of reported cases stands at 1,063, the number of people reported to still have the disease is about 591, as of 20 June, with recoveries rising from 122 on 11 June to 467 as of yesterday.


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