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Coronavirus in Bahrain: Only 18% of Active Cases Require Medication

A total of 268 active COVID-19 cases were reported of which all are stable except for two cases. Only 18% of cases require medication said Consultant of Infectious and Internal Diseases at Salmaniya Medical Complex, Dr. Jameela Al Salman,​ at a press conference yesterday.

Dr. Al Salman noted that 472 individuals have left quarantine, and 295 individuals have fully recovered from COVID-19 and have been discharged from isolation.

Dr Al Qahtani added that the Kingdom’s medical sector continues to operate normally, adding that Bahrain is the first country to participate in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “Solidarity Trial”, testing the first COVID-19 treatment.

On this note, Dr Al Qahtani presented a case registration index of the first 100 active COVID-19 cases registered in comparison to other countries, showing the Kingdom’s increased recovery rates. Dr Al Qahtani explained this can be attributed to the success of the health guidelines issued, including social distancing measures, closure of non-essential retail businesses, and the encouragement of remote working.

Dr Al Qahtani emphasised that the medical workforce continues to provide the necessary care in line with protocols followed by the WHO, adding that all individuals who complete their 14-day quarantine are to be re-tested at the Bahrain International Exhibition & Convention Centre as a precautionary measure.


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