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Coronavirus: Now, Almost 22% of Closed Cases End in Death

The coronavirus pandemic has affected nearly 1.5 million worldwide. Of this, 406,877 cases have been closed, either by recovery or death.

Data shows that 319,160 cases have recovered and been discharged so far, which constitutes 78% of total closed cases.

87,717 deaths have been recorded so far, constituting 22% of closed cases globally.

What has been the progression of the death rate in closed cases?

As on March 1st, only 6.33% of closed cases ended in death, which further dipped to 5.64% by March 7th. However, exactly a month later on April 7th, the proportion of deaths in the closed cases is nearly 22%.

This is an almost 15% increase in the proportion of deaths in closed cases.

Further study reveals that while the increase in deaths was fairly slow till March 13th, a sudden jump of around 3% was detected on March 19th, which further jumped by roughly another 6% to 15.71% on March 25th. This trend has again slowed down, with a lower jump in death rate, possibly because of the strict lockdown measures imposed worldwide.

Yesterday, America recorded the world’s highest-ever fatalities in a single day – 1,922. If this fatality rate continues even in the US alone, the proportion of deaths in the total closed cases worldwide will see a significant rise.


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