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Saudi Arabia

Coronavirus: More than 15,000 Cases in the GCC

The total number of coronavirus cases in the GCC states passed 15,000 on Monday, with all six of the Arabian Gulf countries still enforcing lockdowns of varying degrees almost a month after Bahrain recorded the first death from the new coronavirus in the region on March 16.

Currently, total cases in the GCC are at 16,074 while 109 deaths have been recorded. Recovery rate is quite high in the GCC, with a total of 2,856 recoveries reported so far.

Bahrain has the highest recovery rate in the GCC.


So far, Saudi Arabia accounts for the most number of cases in the region, followed by the UAE. However, deaths in Saudi are much higher than in the UAE. Kuwait has recorded the least number of deaths.

In comparison to other regions, the GCC states moved fairly fast to impose restrictions on movement and mass gatherings – measures aimed at slowing the spread of the virus.

As a result, they have been fairly successful in keeping numbers relatively low. Although most of the GCC states have experienced a relatively rapid rise in cases during the first two weeks of April, their death rates have remained low in comparison to worse-hit countries in the world.


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