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Coronavirus: Kuwait Ups Measures in Expat Resident Areas

Stringent measures have been enforced due to frequent increase in infection of coronavirus virus where marginal labourer are densely accommodated to contain the spread of infection.

Sources stated that gradually in those areas curfew will be strictly enforced only if it is a necessity can move up to a limited distance. A complete ban may follow if this step does not achieve the desired goal.

Cases of 28 Indian expats have come to light within 3 days, some of whom were living in a building on sharing basis. According to the sources there have been requests to allocate schools in every region close to the cooperative for the purpose of using it as an accommodation for workers so that it will prevent the workers from exiting from these regions, as a part quarantine procedure where on daily basis health measures will be adhered to.

In shopping cooperatives all handling workers since yesterday most of them who are from India and Bangladesh have been replaced by Kuwaiti volunteers, as well as security blockade around their areas during the day have been stepped up, all of which are preliminary indications of the quarantine of such areas is highly anticipated.

Areas such as Mahboula, Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, Al-Farawaniya, Khaitan and Hawalli, are such areas having large numbers of workers which are under heavy security guard aimed to restrict the movement of workers.


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