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Coronavirus: Kuwait Issues Warning Against Travelling to Iran

Kuwait Ports Authority (KPA) decided to suspend the movement of passengers to and from Iran via land ports after five infection cases were confirmed including two deaths from the novel coronavirus (Covid-19).

“The decision is a precautionary measure aiming to prevent a possible spread of the illness to passengers,” KPA said in a statement.

Similarly, Kuwait Airways suspended all flights to Iran based on the advice of the Ministry of Health and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).

Earlier today, the Ministry of Health cautioned against travel to the Iranian city of Qom, some 140 km to the south of Tehran where two deaths were confirmed.

“Out of keenness on the safety of the citizens of, and the residents in, Kuwait, we will quarantine all arrivals from Qom until we verify that they are clear of the virus,” the ministry said in a statement.

The Iranian health authorities confirmed three new cases of Covid-19 in Qom and Arak cities, which took the total cases to five in the country.


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