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Coronavirus is Now the Leading Cause of Death in America

Coronavirus is now the leading cause of death in America killing more on average each day than cancer or heart disease, a doctor has claimed.

Dr Maria Danilychev, who practices hospice/palliative medicine in San Diego, has published a chart showing how COVID-19 has risen to become the leading cause of death in the US at 1,970 deaths per day.

Dr Danilychev claims this supersedes the 1,774 deaths per day caused by heart disease and 1,641 per day from cancer.

The death toll in the U.S has continued to dramatically rise in recent weeks, currently over 20,000.

The US now has the highest coronavirus death toll in the world.

Over two-thirds of deaths are in New York City alone, where fears are growing that the real death toll has been significantly miscounted and that a dramatic spike in New Yorkers dying in their homes is also linked to coronavirus.


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