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Coronavirus infections at Olympic host city Tokyo hit new daily high

Olympics host city Tokyo recorded 4,058 new coronavirus infections in 24 hours, the city government said on Saturday.

It is the first time that the number of cases in a day has risen above the 4,000 mark, said dpa international.

On Friday, the government extended the state of emergency for Tokyo and expanded the measure to other nearby prefectures.

The fourth state of emergency is due to last until August 31 for the time being.

The government’s top coronavirus adviser has warned against overburdening the health system in light of the rapid increase in the number of infections and the spread of the Delta variant.

The Japanese government is relying on the cooperation of the population. Hard curfews have never been imposed in Japan since the beginning of the pandemic.

The government has repeatedly urged citizens to stay at home and watch the Olympic Games on TV. In addition, an appeal has been made to younger people to get vaccinated against the virus, as most of Japanese people over 65 have already been inoculated.


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