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Coronavirus: India Bans All International Flights

The Indian government on Thursday banned commercial international airlines to operate to India for a week from 22 March, following an effort to curb the outspread of Covid-19, which has already seen the country temporarily ban foreigners from entering it.

“No scheduled international commercial passenger aircraft shall be allowed to land in India from March 22, 2020, for one week,” the government said in an advisory.

In addition to the government advisory, the Indian aviation regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said in a separate statement that while a maximum time of 20 hours is permissible for international commercial passenger aircraft to land in India, no aircraft will be allowed to disembark passengers on Indian soil, both Indians and foreigners, after 8 pm on 22 March.

Most Indian airlines have cancelled a significant number of international and domestic flights as travel restrictions hit transport and tourism sectors.

As things stand, India has temporarily banned the entry of foreigners into the country till 15 April in a bid to contain the spread of Covid-19 epidemic which have claimed several thousands of lives worldwide.


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