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Coronavirus in Oman: Youngest Patient is a One-Year-Old Baby

Oman’s Minister of Health HE Dr Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Saeedi has confirmed that a one-year-old baby is the youngest in the country to contract the disease.

“Currently, the occurrence of infection is more in men than in women. The youngest infected case is that of a one-year-old baby,” he added.

He said: “Community transmission of COVID-19 began last week. This means there are cases in the community that are yet to be detected. The peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in Oman will be during mid-April, and the upcoming two weeks will see an increase in the number of cases due to the return of students studying overseas.”

The number of people who are under domestic quarantine in Oman has touched 12,800 cases, according to Al Saeedi.

However, according to the Minister some people who were placed in institutional quarantined in hotels didn’t follow the rules.

“Some of the people who were placed in institutional quarantine in hotels didn’t follow the rules. They were instead moving from one room to another. For this reason, we will add more security to the hotels, and there will be very harsh legal procedures to those who don’t follow the guidelines for domestic quarantine,” he said.

The minister added that the first COVID-19 patient to be placed in intensive care had recovered. He asked everyone to remain patient and continue practising social distancing for the next three or four weeks.


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