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Coronavirus in India: Migrant Worker Dies Walking Home

A 40-year-old migrant worker in India who was walking to his hometown collapsed and died, according to police.

India is currently in lockdown in a bid to stop the spread of coronavirus, meaning public transport has stopped running and only essential services are operating. That has left many of the country’s migrant workers out of work, prompting thousands to leave major cities and head home.

Ranveer Singh, who worked as a delivery man in New Delhi, was travelling from the capital to his hometown in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh on Saturday.

Singh collapsed in Agra (134 miles from Delhi), but was on his way to the Morena district of Madhya Pradesh (179 miles from Delhi), according to police.

The postmortem report shows that he dies of a heart attack but we believe that this was triggered due to exhaustion from walking the long-distance, police said.

A shopkeeper near the national highway where Singh collapsed gave him tea and something to eat. However, Singh was complaining of chest pains and died soon after.


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