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Health & EducationWorldGCC CountriesBahrain

Coronavirus in Bahrain: No Need to Panic, Say Doctors

“No need to exaggerate in worrying after detecting a case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Bahrain”, a number of doctors assured. They assured that the global cure rate of COVID-19 reached 97.5%, while the death rate did not exceed 2.5%. They called on all to follow the health instructions issued by the Ministry of Health.

They assured that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) was a virus and it should not be viewed with great negativity. They noted that there should be no stress, anxiety and surrender to fear, especially since the negative psychological state is an attractive factor for diseases.

They noted that the cure rate of Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease globally reached 97.5%, while the death rate did not exceed 2.5% of the total number of cases. This, they noted, indicates that the cure rate of the disease is high. The pharmaceutical companies obtained the genetic code for the disease, which was in the length of the vaccine manufacturer, to prevent it and soon tested it on animals to ensure its efficiency, which indicates that the disease can be controlled.


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